Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Aprenem Anglès Jugant amb Robots!


Aprenem Anglès Jugant amb Robots! 

A les hores d'anglès, les aules s'han convertit en un espai d'aprenentatge innovador gràcies a l'ús de robots programables. 

Els infants no només estan aprenent la llengua anglesa, sinó que també s'estan familiaritzant amb la tecnologia de manera interactiva i divertida. 

Aquesta setmana, els estudiants de comunitat de mitjans han tingut l'oportunitat de treballar el vocabulari dels animals mitjançant una activitat especial on els robots feien una visita a un zoo virtual.

Els infants, a més d'aprendre com programar els robots, havien de practicar el vocabulari d'animals en anglès, identificant espècies com “lion,” “elephant,” “giraffe,” etc.  

L'activitat ha estat un èxit, ja que ha permès combinar l'aprenentatge tecnològic amb l'anglès d'una manera molt pràctica i motivadora. 

Els infants no només estaven concentrats a donar les instruccions correctes al robot, sinó que també es divertien descobrint els animals i practicant el vocabulari nou. 

Aquesta interacció activa i visual ha ajudat a millorar la seva comprensió i ús de l'anglès d'una manera diferent dels mètodes tradicionals.

Friday, November 11, 2022


Aquesta setmana, tota la comunitat de grans, vam anar al teatre municipal La Bòbila, a veure l'obra de teatre Frankenstein, en anglès.

Ha estat una activitat que hem organitzat des de l'escola, conjuntament amb les dues altres escoles públiques del municipi (Santa Eulàlia i Mediterrània) per tal d'aprofitar aquest recentment inaugurat espai.

La companyia de teatre IPA Productions s'ha desplaçat fins a la nostra localitat per a representar dos passis de la funció.

L'obra va agradar molt als nostres alumnes, que van participar activament durant tota la representació. Els actors van interactuar amb el públic, la qual cosa els va motivar i divertir molt.

L'obra era molt visual i entenedora i els actors s'encarregaven de fer èmfasi en el vocabulari principal, d'aquesta manera va resultar fàcil seguir el fil.

Des de l'escola seguim apostant per a que els nostres alumnes visquin la llengua anglesa de manera vivencial. És per això que cada curs programem sortides al teatre, per a poder gaudir de la llengua anglesa en viu i en directe, en una activitat tan maca i significativa com és el teatre.

Al segon trimestre, els alumnes de la comunitat de Petits i de Mitjans, també realitzaran activitats teatrals en anglès.

Estem molt contents amb l'elecció del teatre de la vila, per a portar a terme aquesta activitat. Un teatre que, a part de nou, és molt maco i té molt bona distribució i sonoritat. Esperem seguir aprofitant-lo i programant-hi més activitats educatives pel nostre alumnat.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

We're going to the theatre!


Last week we went to Cal Bolet theatre in Vilafranca del Penedès, to watch the play Dracula, by IPA Productions.

It was the first time in this theatre and we loved it.

The play Dracula was fun and the music was excellent. The two actors sang really well and they were very fun.

After that we went into the Old Town and went up to the bell tower in Santa Maria's cathedral.

After that we did some interviews to the people in Vilafranca. We wanted to practise our speaking in English and it was a fun experience. Most of the people were very nice and answered to our questions.

Finally we did a "gincana" in the old town. We had to find several modernist buildings and important places like squares or monuments. 

It was a fun day!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated English Day in our school.

It was the second edition and we had lots of fun.

Each "comunitat" had different activities throughout the day. There were handcrafts, recipes, games, etc... In kindergarten, they even watched a theater play "Puff the Magic Dragon". During playground, students could taste a bit of Britian with a biscuits and tea stall.

And in the afternoon we had a Got Talent, where all the students showed their singing and dancing abilities.

Here you can watch a video of the best moments of the day:

Monday, May 3, 2021


Last week we celebrated the first edition of English Day, in our school.

Our main objective is to encourage our students to learn English and to enjoy it.

During one day, all the activities were related to English language and culture. We prepared games, handcrafts, recipes, theatre and even a Got Talent! Each grade from P3 to 6th had different activities.

We had so much fun. But we want you to see it with your own eyes. Here's a video from that day:

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

ENGLISH DAY 2020-2021

Hello boys and girls!

In a few days, we will celebrate ENGLISH DAY in our school.

It is a day where we will do all the activities in English, from P3 to 6th grade.

We are going to learn about the British culture and we are going to have fun!

Are you ready for the English Day?

We will post more information soon.


Thursday, April 8, 2021

Musical workshop in 3rd grade

Hello everyone!

How are  you?

Here is the video of 3rd grade in their Musical theatre workshop. They learnt the choreography for the song "Geronimo". They loved the song and had a lot of energy during the final performance. You can watch it here:

Friday, March 26, 2021

Musical Theatre Workshop (Taller Musical en Anglès) 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th

This week, our students from 3rd to 6th, have done a theatre workshop. It has been a musical theatre activity, so they had to sing and dance.

During weeks we prepared and studied a song in English, in each class. This week, the company Jumping Ducks from Barcelona, came to school and did a workshop in English.

We had a great time! We did presentations, warm up, singing preparation and choreography. All students showed a great attitude and participated.

Here are some photos and a video summary of the workshop (taller):


Tuesday, November 10, 2020



Hello families! 

This year we are learning the farm animals by using songs, games, tales and activities!

We are having a great time while learning new vocabulary!

If you click on the link below you can see us singing the song "Let's have a walk around the farm"


Hola famílies!

Aquest any estem aprenents els animals de granja mitjançant cançons, jocs, contes i activitats!

Ens ho estem passant súper bé al mateix temps que aprenem nou vocabulari!

Si cliqueu al link que teniu aquí a sota ens podreu veure cantant la cançó de "Let's have a walk around the farm"


Thursday, November 5, 2020

The time (4th grade)

Hello boys and girls!

Are you ready for the weekend?

Well, here are some activities for you to revise and practice the time and the daily routines, in English.

Have a nice weekend!