Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Frankenstein (5th and 6th grade) game

Hello boys and girls!

How are you?

As you know, next month (after Easter holidays) we are going to the theatre in Vilanova to watch Frankenstein in English.

We can't wait for the 13th of April and we have started working on the story in class. In the following link you can read more about the play and even watch a video:

Here's a game just for fun about this famous monster:


  1. Hello Michael
    Is very funny
    Bye bye

  2. erika abad galvez 6éAMarch 15, 2016 at 5:13 PM

    hello michael
    mi name is erika

    is very funny

    bye bye

  3. Hello Mickel, he jugat al joc de Dr.Frankestein es molt divertit jugar al laberint me he passat un nivell.Soc la Iratxe.

  4. there is verry funny game is verry easy

  5. Hello Michael i like the game
