Thursday, May 26, 2016

"Frankenstein" by the students of 5th grade (Part 1)

Hello boys and girls!

The students of 5th grade have been working on the play Frankenstein (after we went to the theatre last month). In groups of 4 they acted the characters of the story: Henry Frankenstein, Fritz, Elizabeth and the monster.

It was great fun! They played the story for the little children of P3, P4 and P5. They loved it!

Here are the videos of PART 1:

Do you like it? Please, write some nice comments for the 5th grade students!


  1. Jiji que gracioso😁😁

  2. I like this vídeo is very funny

  3. el teatro fue divertido cuando lo exposamos pero cuando se me cayeron las gafas ico mucho gracia mi madre se partio de risa

  4. Paula cuidado con las gafas ha sido muy gracioso todo

  5. Miriam 5èb said...
    Hello Michael,el video es molt gracios quan a la Paula se li van caure les ulleres em va fer molta gracia y a la meva mare tambe!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. hello!
    els personatjes que més m'han agradat son la Paula i el Jesus
    no paro de veure la part de quen se li van caure les ulleres a la Paula

  7. Hello Michael.
    M'agradat molt quan se li van caure les ulleres a la Paula.
