Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter eggs (3rd and 4th graders)

Hello boys and girls!!
These are the eggs you were decorating in Arts&Crafts class last weeks


Easter baskets (1st and 2nd graders)

Hello boys and girls!!
Last weeks 1st and 2nd graders were preparing their Easter baskets in Arts&Crafts lessons. You have some examples:

Easter egg hunt (1st and 2nd grade)

Easter Bunny has written a letter for 1st and 2nd graders.

We went to the playground to look for some eggs

We found a secret message:
And we had a surprise at the end.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Magnetism experiment (P3, P4 and P5)

Hello boys and girls!

How are you?

This second term we are doing experiments in preschool (infantil). And of course, there is one in English!

In the English taller we are learning about magnetism.

The children get to play and experiment with magnets of different sizes.

Then we put different objects on the table and try to guess if they react to magnets or not. We try to answer why and children make really good guesses.

Next thing we do is putting everything on the table and the little children can play with everything and have fun.

Finally they get to do an easy activity where they have to circle the magnetic objects from the previous activity.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Guess the animals (3rd grade)

Hello boys and girls!!
Here you have the descriptions of the animals you wrote.
It’s  small
It ‘s  brown
It  has  got  a long tail and 2 legs
It  can  jump
It  eats  fruit

It’s  small.
It  hasn't  got  wings.
It's  got  a  long  tail.
It's  got  four  legs.
It's  got  big  eyes  and  it can see  in  the  night.
It's  fast.
It  can  be  black, white, brown and grey
It can run, walk, jump and climb
It eats fish, insects and it likes milk

It‘s big and grey. It has got four legs and a trunk. The nose is very big.

It’s small, short and fast.
It’s brown,black and white.
It has got eyes, ears, nose, head, four legs, sharp claws and body.
It hasn’t got wings.
It eats meat, plants, fruit, grass and fish.
It can jump, walk, run and climb.

It eats fruit.
It´s got claws, wings and a beak.
It can fly.
It´s medium and fast.
It´s white and black.

This animal has got four legs, a tail and a neck.
It eats plants .This animal  is very very tall .
It can run and walk .It´s big and fast .
It has got a long neck. It´s yellow and brown
It lives in Africa.

It´s got two legs, one neck, big ears, a tail, teeth and one nose .
It´s big and tall.
It´s brown.
It can jump .
It can´t swim.
It eats grass.

It´s big, fast and long. It´s brown. It eats grass and straw.
It´s got four legs, teeth, a tail and a neck. I can run, jump and walk.

It eats insects.
It´s got claws.
It can walk.
It´s fast.
It´s brown .
It can´t fly.
It hasn´t got fins.

My animal is medium. It has got a long body, a long mouth, a fin and bones. It hasn't got wings, feathers, claws, legs and arms. It eats fish. It doesn't eat plants, meat, grass, seaweeds, insects and fruit. It's grey. Which animal is it?

Try to guess all the animals. We will see who has more correct answers. Good luck!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Frankenstein (5th and 6th grade) game

Hello boys and girls!

How are you?

As you know, next month (after Easter holidays) we are going to the theatre in Vilanova to watch Frankenstein in English.

We can't wait for the 13th of April and we have started working on the story in class. In the following link you can read more about the play and even watch a video:

Here's a game just for fun about this famous monster: