Monday, June 6, 2016

Last "Frankenstein" play by 5th grade students (group 6)


And finally....the brain! Nooooo And finally the last group! hehe

This time is Alba, Ana, Natalia and Tania who act out the last of the Frankenstein plays. We hope that you like it and that you leave and nice comment for them to read.

Congratulations to all the boys and girls of 5th grade who acted in front of P3, P4, P5 and 1st grade students!


Iratxe 5éA said...

Hello Michael me ha encantat el teatre de ells l'han fet molt be

Anonymous said...

hello Michael. yo soc l'Alba de 5èB
M'ha agradat molt el teatre
I'ts verry funny!!!

ana 6è B said...

Hello Michael, em va agradar fer l'obra de teatre. Avera si fem un altre teatre, i ens ha passem be abans de que t'envagis d'elescola.
ha vaig passar molt be.


Hello Ana!

Yes, the theatre was super fun! Ho vau fer molt bé!
No crec que ens doni temps de fer una altra abans de que marxi, però segur que el profe que vingui us muntarà una altra! ;-)
See you soon!