Friday, September 21, 2018

Good mood songs (5th and 6th grade)

Hello everyone!

We are full of energy and want to start this school year with some music.

In 5th grade we have listened and filled the gaps to Roar, a song by Katy Perry that most of our students know.
It's a song about being strong, feeling powerful and believing in themselves. A perfect message for the new school year.

The 6th grade students have listened to Bruno Mars' Count on me. A beautiful song about "friendship" that the students liked from the first listen.
It's quite easy to understand and the message is really nice and powerful.


Anonymous said...

Mis familiares siempre y en toda circunstancia dicen que pierdo el tiempo aquí
en la red, mas sé que estoy consiguiendo experiencia todos y cada
uno de los días al leer artículos tan bonitos.

¡Volveré, ya que he marcado esta página como favorita
y lo he twitteado a mis seguidores!

Vega said...

Hello michael im Vega beri good ot games bay bay bay Michael