Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Robin Hood Quiz (5th and 6th grades)

  1. Where does Robin Hood live? He lives in the ____________
  2. Where does the sheriff live? He lives in a _______________
  3. In which country is the castle? The castle is in _________________
  4. What does the sheriff collect? He collects _______________
  5. What does Robin Hood do? He takes money from the ______ and gives it to the ________
  6. Who does Robin Hood love? He loves ________________
  7. How is the sheriff going to catch Robin Hood? He organises an ___________
  8. Does he catch Robin Hood? _____________
  9. What does the sheriff do then? He puts Lady Marion into _________________
  10. How does Robin Hood fight the evil sheriff? Robin Hood fights with his ____

Answer these 10 questions in the comments section. If you participate you win 1 Dojo Point. If the answers are correct you win 1 extra Dojo Point!


Anonymous said...

Hello micha-eluna pregunta com espot escriure per al text?

Anonymous said...

Hello Im Iman of 5th A
1-He lives in the wood
2-He lives in a castle
3-In the castle
5-From the good and gives it to the poor
6-He loves Lady Marion
8-Does catch Gold

raman said...

1 wood
2 castle
3 england
4 taxes
5 good bad
6 lady marion
7 arcery compiticion
8 no
9 prison
10 sword
micheal i have lot a fun ansering this questions byebye i am raman

Dora said...

Hello Michael i'm dora from 6b here are the respuestas : 1.wood 2.castle 3.ireland 4.taxes 5.bad,good 6.Lady Marion 7.archery competition 8.No 9.a prisión 10.sword That's all.Bye!

Dora said...

Hello Michael these are the results 1.wood 2.castle 3.ireland 4.taxes 5. Bad,good 6. Lady Marion .7.archery competition 8.no 9.prision 10. Sword

Anonymous said...

Hello Michael, I'm Joel of 5A.
1: wood/forest
2: castle
3: UK
4: taxes
5: bad/rich-good/poor
6: Lady Marion
7: archery competition
8: No, he doesn't
9: the prison
10: sword

lucian 5a said...

1.Forest2.castle3.UK4.Taxes5.rich.poor6.lady marion7.archery competion8.no9.dungeon10.sword


Well done boys and girls!

Most of the answers were right.

Only is that the story happens in England, not in Ireland (Dora)

And it's archery, not arcery (Raman)

Thank you for participating! :D


You all have 2 DOJO POINTS, for blog participation! :D