Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Fonix- Concurs d'Anglès (5th and 6th grade)

Hello boys and girls of 5th and 6th grade!

The Fonix is an English contest in Catalonia. All the schools can participate. We are happy to announce Les Roquetes school is going to participate again this year.

If you are in 5th or 6th grade you can join the list of participants (it's on the English class' door).
The first exam will be in the school and the winners will go to the next exam in Barcelona with the winners of all schools. It's going to be exciting!

If you want more information follow this link THE FONIX


ERIKA 5A said...

Michael estic nerviosa per q si gano en vaig a Barcelona pero nose el que pusaran en els examens!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Michael anirem a Barcelona a fer els examens??
i una altre cosa em pots tornar a explicar les fases 1 2 i 3?



Hola Alba!
El primer examen es fa a l'escola.
El guanyador de 5è anirà a Barcelona el dissabte 28 de febrer.
Els guanyadors passaran a la tercera fase que serà també a Barcelona.
Si tens alguna pregunta més passa per la classe d'anglès.
