Monday, June 22, 2015

Happy Summer!

Boys and girls: School is over!

It's been a fantastic year. We have done lots of things, we have learnt a lot and we have had a great time.

We wish you a marvellous summer and we hope that you enjoy your free time with your family and friends and you do looooooots of fun things!


Cristina and Michael

Nois i noies: l'escola s'ha acabat!

Ha estat un any fantàstic. Hem fet un munt de coses, hem aprés molt i ens ho hem passat molt bé.

Us desitgem un estiu meravellós i esperem que gaudiu del temps lliure amb la vostra família i els vostres amics i que feu un muuuuuunt de coses divertides!

Amb afecte,

Cristina i Michael

1 comment:

Joan Arroyo 6éB said...

Thanks for everything guys, I'll wait to see you there

Unforgetable few years !!
Thank you for teaching me so much, kiss

Michael and Cristina the perfects english teachers <3