Friday, March 17, 2017


CHEESE CAKE by Miriam, Alba, Natalia G., Natalia P. and Vanessa

- Butter
- Milk
- Cheese powder
- Cookies 
- Strawberry cream
- Water

- Blender
- Spoon
- Fork
- Refrigerator
- Bowl
- Skillet

Preparation of the cookie base.
Put 40gr. of butter in hot without that it comes to boil. Mix the cookie with the butter and cover the bottom of the mold. Leave it in the refrigerator a quarter of an hour.

Preparation of the cream.
Dissolve the contenets of the bag in 400 ml. of cold milk and beat it for 3 minutes with an electric mixer. Spread it on the basis of the cookie already prepared, smooth it with the help of a spatula or spoon and put it in the fridge or freezer 10-15 min. 

Preparation of syrup
Dissolve the content of the syrup strawberry flavor bag in 70 ml. of water in room temperature ( about 5 or 6 tablespoons) with a fork. Spread over the surface of the cake. 

Leave it in the refrigerator 1 hour before serving. Put the tip of a knife by the edge of the monde before proceed to disassemble it AND YOUR CAKE IS READY TO BE SERVED!!

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